Calma es lo que necesita el mundo. Violencia. Contaminación. Abuso de poder nos llevan a la autodestrucción como especie. Este disco es un paréntesis a esta catarsis. Baradit fusiona la música electrónica con guitarras y baterías en su estilo synth pop y con trazos de rock.
Calm is what the world needs. Violence. Pollution. Abuse can lead to self-destruction as a human race. This album is a parenthesis to this catharsis. Baradit fuses electronic music with guitars and drums in the synth pop style with traces of rock.
Music, produced, mastered, art by Felipe Baradit Stevenson – Recorded in Concón Chile – Translated by Paikaví Tricot
«Track 5» includes extract audio of President Salvador Allende, from documentary: El diálogo de América